
Welcome to CS Journey 101!

Hi! Welcome to the world of Computer Science and Android Development! On this blog you will find posts on my journey through  Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree thanks to Women Techmakers Udacity Scholars Scholarship, on my experience as a Community TA for MITx 6.00.1x on edX and interesting resources to learn  Android Development and Computer Science . Estefania.

A Dream Come True: Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship Recipient!

How can you thank someone for believing in you, for giving you the opportunity to thrive and for supporting you through your journey to make your dream come true? This scholarship is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. My journey started on June 6th, 2017 when I submitted my application for the Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship to take Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree . Applying for the Scholarship The process of writing my application was an experience I will always remember. I was asked to answer questions like "how would this Nanodegree help me reach my goals" and my "interest in my career path". I tried to find the exact words that would convey what I truly feel about Computer Science, my fascination and passion for the subject and my future goals in 500 words (two 250 words essays) a very challenging task when there's so much you want to express. Computer Science is a field that I want to learn more about every day and it c